Welcome to one of the many places on the Web with information about Stephen R. Fox.

Stephen is an experienced communications specialist who enjoys creating, measuring, and refining digital experiences for people around the globe. This is his work. These are his words. 

So, it’s a little strange that this is written in third person. 

At least to me it is.


To see his work experience, visit LinkedIn. For some work samples, you can go here. To see what he’s posted on Medium, here’s his profile. He used to Tweet a lot, so if you want to see what his thoughts were between 2007 and 2022, you can revisit his Twitter feed. Since he’s been on the web for a long while, there are a lot of other services that can help give you snapshots of him over time, like Foursquare, Flipboard, and even Last.FM.

That should be quite enough to let you know what he’s all about. He’s written some other things, too, but you’ve read enough for now, don’t you think? 

Oh, one more thing: For recruiters, here’s a buzzword-heavy résumé to plug into your candidate-screening software.